Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Innovation and Enhancement of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones to Create a New Highland of Reform and Opening-up and the Measures for Assessing and Evaluating the Comprehensive Development Level of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones (2021 Version)


In order to implement the Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Innovation and Enhancement of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones to Create a New Highland of Reform and Opening-up and the Measures for Assessing and Evaluating the Comprehensive Development Level of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones (2021 Version), and to strengthen the guidance on the work of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones, the Ministry of Commerce recently issued the Circular on Further Promoting Innovation and Enhancement of State-level Economic and Technological Development Zones to Better Play the Role of an Open Platform ( No. 523 [2021], hereinafter referred to as the "Circular"), from seriously doing the comprehensive development level assessment and evaluation, strengthening the demonstration and driving role of stable foreign trade and foreign investment, actively and orderly guiding green and low-carbon development, maintaining the stability of the industrial chain supply chain, increasing financial and fiscal support, deepening the reform of institutional mechanisms, strengthening the dynamic management of development zones, strengthening the replication and promotion of experience and publicity work, and solidly doing the basic The Circular clarifies the next step of work and puts forward work requirements in nine aspects. The Notice also requires the relevant provincial commercial departments to effectively play the role of the leading department, taking into account the actual situation of each place, strengthen guidance and coordination, improve supporting measures to ensure that the policies and measures introduced by the State are put into practice and effective, and urge the state-level economic development zones to accelerate the transformation and upgrading and make greater contributions to economic and social development.

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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
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  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

